Saturday, January 21, 2012

Update on Annie....posted 12/30/2010

Well it's been a stressful week.... Annie has been very depressed!! She wouldn't eat even though she was drinking okay! She had settled her bed near the front door and just lay there. If she wandered from that spot it was to collect her toys (from Cmas) and carry them back to her spot. She would just whimper and cry when she grabbed the toys. She would eat an occasional treat and maybe a little rice and hamburger. She seemed happy to see us, but wanted nothing to do with the other animals.

Concerned about her not eating she went to the vet today as a follow up. Physically she checked out in good health. Her incision is good and doesn't seem to bother her at all. Her lab work was basically normal and even though her temp was 102.5, just slightly elevated, which that could also be from stress. Dr. Pat said it's hormones! She is going through post-partum depression! She mentally and emotionally is having a difficult time. She has gone from feeling like she was pregnant to nothing, having everything taken out. The whimpering and gathering toys is her grieving for her pseudo babies. She is bringing the babies to her nesting spot as a mommy would do when a puppy would stray from the nest! She doesn't know or understand the difference between not really being pregnant and feeling as if she were. SO in her mind she is lost without the babies she thought she was having!

It's so sad and my heart breaks for her. DR. Pat said it will be a few weeks for those hormones to settle down. In the meantime, he has given her permission to play and run, of course keeping an eye on that incision. It will be a good distraction for her. Tonight, she finally ate some food.... yay!! it's been a couple days since she last ate so we have been really concerned. She seems happy at the moment which is good! But, now has gone back to her nesting spot, whimpering with her toys around her!! :((

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